Are you a musician/ musical professional with an inclination for healing and caring
Are you a therapist, counselor or from a related field with a passion for Music
Are you seeking a way in which these two can come together?
Have you heard of
POST Graduate Diploma in Clinical Music Therapy
Music Therapy Trust India,
New Delhi
In collaboration with
Otakar Kraus Music Trust, UK Include theoretical and practical knowledge of the different Music Therapy interventions and methods used in clinical settings.
Exposure to allied disciplines such as - Child Psychology, Psychotherapy, , Counseling, and other Arts? Therapies
Faculty includes National and International,
experts (UK and USA)
Application last date , 30th November 2014
Next Batch ? January 2015.
Duration 1 year
Contact details
The Music Therapy Centre, Action For Autism,
Sect 7&8, Jasola, New Delhi
Phone : and
web site : themusictherapytrust.com
Exact Timings are decided after selection of the batch.